Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where Did September Go?

I can't believe I missed September entirely! I'm not sure how it happened, but let me try to break down where my time last month went:

Bye bye September pie.
By far the largest portion of my time went to sleeping. Even with a new (5 months old today)  baby in the house I spent more time sleeping last month than anything else. Following that was "Family Time" which might sound like fun, but really is mainly wrangling the children shuffling to events, feeding the baby, and breaking up fights. The next one will come as a surprise to my students but I spend about twice as much time grading the junk quality work they turn in as I do teaching. It is the consequence of a learner-centered activity heavy course design. I could just lecture and give multiple choice tests and then I'd have almost no grading to do, but I think my students learn better by having lots of ways to applying the things they learn so instead I slog through 150 (really) of paragraphs about fear, or diagrams of neurons. Even with all that time I am still behind. That could be because of the new time I've been spending on committee work here at the college. This semester I'm on at least two committees (They might be tasks force but I'm not sure. Also is tasks force the correct plural for task force? or is it task forces?) that have required a lot of reading and effort to contribute. I don't begrudge committee work, in fact I actually enjoy it. I mean it. No really. I'm serious. So as you can see from the pie chart there was precious little time for blogging. I have plenty of things to say, so this month I'll sleep less and blog more. I have a lot to say, but what would you like to read more about?
  1. Research
  2. Teaching
  3. My Family
  4. Committees
  5. Other
Let me know in comments!


  1. Always enjoy your teaching stories. Interesting to see the goings-on at SCCC

  2. Hello there! I just have seen that the Rss of this domain is working correctly, did you somehow complete all the properties on your own or you just used the original settings of the widget?
